The Alchemy Program
Alchemy: The Science, Craft, and Sorcery of Bellydance with Jill Parker
The Alchemy Program is the culmination of decades of Jill’s experiences as a dancer, instructor, mentor, and creative force. Jill’s master eye will help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement in support of reaching your unique dance-related goals.
A major focus of the program is the technique and vocabulary that is the underpinning of Jill’s elegant and easeful style. The program is also grounded on the concept of growth mindset and its application to dance.
Enjoy a supportive and joyful experience of learning in a small cohort with opportunities for personalized attention and feedback. An option to submit a performance for constructive critique is included at this level, along with extra resources and exercises.
A Taste of Alchemy is a shorter, three-hour workshop designed to dip your toe into, but also refine, the basic movements that are the underpinning of Jill Parker’s sensual style. Whether you are an Alchemy Alum looking to freshen up for your test, or someone who has been looking to spend some quality dance time with Jill Parker, this is the perfect workshop for you.
Alchemy Level 1 serves as the foundation of a holistic approach to performance, choreography, improvisation, and teacher training, should you decide to continue with advanced Alchemy level training. There is no testing at this Level 1.
Alchemy Level 2 is under development. This level will offer testing.
Alchemy Level 3 is under development. This level will offer testing and teacher certification.
Alchemy Level 1
Alchemy Level 1 serves as the foundation of a holistic approach to performance, choreography, improvisation, and teacher training, should you decide to continue with advanced Alchemy level training. There is no testing at this Level 1.
Check my Eventbrite page for availability.